Data trable description
- Measurement recording:
The measurements were carried out using customary measuring
methods and, unless otherwise stated, at room temperature.
- Composition monitoring:
All Coorstek ceramic components are manufactured and controlled using the latest
chemical, spectrographic and radiographic methods.
- Chemical Resistance:
Although Coorstek components have high chemical resistance, we recomend to submit
specific data on this to Coorstek to optimize design and material selection.
- * The properties of ceramic molded parts vary in part with the way they are
manufactured, their shape and size. A specification allows the majority of the
required characteristic data to be met in the long term.
- ** No helium penetration through a 25.4 mm diameter and 0.25 mm thick plate,
measured at 3*10-7 Torr vacuum against 1 bar helium, 15 sec. at room temperature.